The insurance money comforted her for the death of her husband. 保险的金额减轻了她对丈夫去世的哀痛。
An applicant or a beneficiary defrauds insurance money by deliberately causing the death, disability or illness of the insured. (五)投保人、受益人故意造成被保险人死亡、伤残或者疾病,骗取保险金的。
An applicant defrauds insurance money by deliberately falsifying the subject matter of the insurance; (一)投保人故意虚构保险标的,骗取保险金的;
An applicant, an insured or a beneficiary defrauds insurance money by inventing stories of an insured accident that does not occur; (三)投保人、被保险人或者受益人编造未曾发生的保险事故,骗取保险金的;
An applicant, an insured or a beneficiary defrauds insurance money by cooking up the cause of an insured accident or overstates the extent of loss; (二)投保人、被保险人或者受益人对发生的保险事故编造虚假的原因或者夸大损失的程度,骗取保险金的;
Combine that with the fact that when I can't sleep, I watch those true-crime TV shows that are inevitably about one spouse who knocked off the other for the insurance money. 还有,那就是我在睡不着的时候会看一些根据真人真事拍的犯罪电视节目,那里面必然会上演这样的剧情:夫妻中的一方为了吞掉配偶的保险金而出手干掉对方。
It was five years old so the insurance money isn't enough to cover the cost of replacing it. 我那辆车出厂已有五年,所以保险赔偿不足以支付换车费用。
The method of payment of insurance indemnity or insurance money; 保险金赔偿或者给付办法;
Despite billions of dollars of insurance money flowing into Christchurch, the rebuild is already behind schedule. 尽管几十亿计的保险金涌入基督城,重建工作却进展迟缓。
Therefore, the litigation status of the insurance company depends on whether the petitioner has the right to request payment of the insurance money. 因此,保险公司的诉讼地位取决于请求方是否享有保险金之赔付请求权。
You're trying take his life insurance money! 你想得到他的保险金吗!
The number of people who did not draw unemployment insurance money was 3.12 million in 2001. A large majority of elderly Americans depend solely on social security income. 2001年末领取失业保险金的人数为312万人。大多数上了年纪的美国人仰仗社会保险金过活。
She can always use the insurance money for a course in journalism. 她可以用拿到的保险金去进修一下新闻课程。
When will he get the insurance money? 他什么时候能得到保险金?
In addition, the unemployed person may receive vocational training and subsidies for job agency services when drawing the unemployment insurance money. 此外,失业者在领取失业保险金期间还可接受职业培训和享受职业介绍补贴。
To defraud the insurer of insurance money by falsifying the occurrence of insured risks that have not actually happened; 未发生保险事故而谎称发生保险事故,骗取保险金的;
Today a lot of us will be looking at which buildings were burned, who received the insurance money and who was benefiting in other ways. 如今大多数人将会去关注哪些楼被烧了,谁能得到保险金,又是看谁通过其他方式受益。
Before reaching the age for obtaining the insurance money, no one may stop the basic pension insurance relation and handle the insurance withdrawal formalities. 未达到待遇领取年龄前,不得终止基本养老保险关系并办理退保手续;
If the injury is fatal, the family usually receives the resulting insurance money. 如果工人受到的是致命的伤害,他的家庭通常可获得保险金。
Moreover, presently, for the contracts on the third party liability insurance for motor vehicles, there is no provision in China on direct payment of the insurance money to the aggrieved third party; 且我国目前的机动车第三者责任保险合同并无直接赔付保险金于受害第三者的规定;
In case the house burns down. We will get the insurance money. 如果房子被烧毁,我们将会得到保险金。
He burnt his own house down so that he could claim the insurance money& what a scam! 他把自己的房子烧了,以便索赔保险金&多狡诈的骗局!
Unemployment insurance benefits consist mainly of unemployment insurance money, which the beneficiary can draw every month, with the standard lower than the minimum wage but higher than the minimum living allowance for urban residents. 失业保险待遇主要是失业保险金。失业保险金按月发放,标准低于最低工资标准、高于城市居民最低生活保障标准。
Fig.i'll be getting the insurance money in two lumps. 我将把钱分两项投保。
I was just thinking about how I would spend the insurance money if you died. 我正在想,如果你死了,我该怎么花那笔保险金。
The insurance money and buy everyone a pony. 用保险费给你们买小马。
That man's insurance money must be paid by his club after next monday; in the interim, this society will take the responsibility. 那人的保险费必须由其俱乐部于下星期一后缴纳,在此之前,这个协会将对其负责。
You can use the insurance money to pay your rent! 你就可以用保险赔偿金还付房租了!
I can't think of a better way to use Casey's insurance money than for peace, and I am sure that Casey approves. 对于凯西的保险费,除了用于和平,我想不出更好的花法。我相信凯西会同意的。